lørdag 15. september 2012

Bella ble champion

I dag ble Bella champion.
Jeg er så utrolig glad.

mandag 10. september 2012

Skal vi gå lydighet i England???

Jeg sitter her og grubler litt på om jeg skal gå for å melde Bella på i lydighets konkurase i England. De har et litt annet system der enn her hjemme og øvelsene er ikke helt like. Det finnes tre forskjellige klasser jeg kan melde oss på: Pre- Beginner, Beginner og Novice.

Her er et utklipp fra den engelske kennelsiden om de.

Pre-Beginner This is the level where newcomers to obedience start their competition career. Neither the handler nor the dog must have won a first place in any Obedience class. Handlers and dogs 'win out' of this class (ie they are no longer eligible to compete in it) if they gain a third place or better in any Obedience class from Novice upwards, or a first place in Pre-Beginner or Beginner.
Beginner Can be entered if neither the dog nor thehandler has won a first prize at any higher level in Obedience (Novice to C). Handlers or dogs who win two first prizes in Beginner classes 'win out' of this class and move up to Novice.
Novice This is the class where more experienced handlers will start with a young dog. The dog must not have won two first prizes at Novice or a higher level. Unlike Pre-Beginner and Beginner, there is no limitation on what the handler (as opposed to the dog) can have won, so competitors who have won Obedience Championships can still enter Novice with a young dog.

Og her er et utklipp fra hvordan selveste øvelsene er:

5. Pre-Beginners.
a. To compete in Pre-Beginners a handler or dog must not
have won a First place in either Pre Beginners or
Beginners nor gained a third place or above in any other
obedience class.
b. Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or
extra commands except in the Sit and Down tests. In
these tests at the discretion of the Judge, handlers may
face their dogs, Judges or Stewards must not use the
words "last command" except in the Sit and Down tests.
c. The detailed tests will be:
(1) Heel on lead 15 points
Annex A to G Regulations
(2) Heel free 20 points
(3) Recall from sit or down position at handler's choice.
Dog to be recalled by handler when stationary and
facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to the handler,
sit in front, go to heel-all on command of Judge or
Steward to handler. Distance at discretion of Judge.
Test commenceswhen handler leaves dog. 10 points
(4) Sit one minute, handler in sight 10 points
(5) Down two minutes, handler in sight 20 points
(6) TOTAL 75 points
6. Beginners.
a. To compete in Beginners a handler or dogmust not have
won a total of two or more First Prizes in Beginners
Class, or one First Prize in any other Obedience Class,
(Pre-Beginners excepted).
b. Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or
extra commands except on the Sit and Down tests. In
these tests at the discretion of the Judge, handlers may
face their dogs. Judges and Stewards must not use the
words "last command" except in the Sit and Down tests.
c. The detailed tests will be:
(1) Heel on lead 15 points
(2) Heel free 20 points
(3) Recall from Sit or Down position at handler's
choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when
stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly
to handler, sit in front, go to heel - all on command
of Judge or Steward to handler. Distance at
discretion of Judge. Test commences when handler
leaves dog 10 points
(4) Retrieve any article. Handlers may use their own
article 25 points
(5) Sit one minute, handler in sight 10 points
(6) Down two minutes, handler in sight 20 points
(7) TOTAL 100 points
7. Novice.
a. For dogswhich have notwon 2 First Prizes in Obedience
Classes. (Pre-Beginners and Beginners excepted).
b. Handlers will not be penalised for encouragement or
extra commands except in the Sit and Down tests. In
these tests, at the discretion of the Judge, handlers may
face their dogs. Judges or Stewards must not use the
words "last command" except in the Sit and Down tests.
c. The detailed tests will be:
(1) Temperament Test. Dog to be on the lead, in the
Stand position, handler to stand by dog. Judge to
approach quietly from the front and to run his hand
gently down the dog's back. Judge may talk quietly
to the dog to reassure it. Any undue resentment,
cringing, growling or snapping to be penalised.
This is not a stand for examination or a stay
test. 10 points
(2) Heel on lead 15 points
(3) Heel Free 20 points
(4) Recall from Sit or Down position at handler's
choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when
stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly
to handler, sit in front, go to heel-all on command of
Judge or Steward to handler. Distance at discretion
of Judge. Test commences when handler leaves
dog 10 points
(5) Retrieve a dumb-bell, handlers may use their own
dumb-bell 15 points
(6) Sit one minute, handler in sight 10 points
(7) Down 2 minutes, handler in sight 20 points
Jeg føler at jeg og Bella er mer på "Novice" nivå. Det er en øvelse jeg er litt usikker på hvordan vil gå, og det er innkallingen. Hunden skal komme inn til meg og sette seg foran meg først. Og da klin inntil med snuten oppi helligheten har jeg sett på film. Dette er vi jo ikke vant til og må øves inn på et vis. Target må jo være bra å bruke her. Target på post it lapp kansje. Og så får jeg bare finne på en helt ny kommando. Ellers så ser jo øvelsene helt fine ut. Så det hadde jo vært gøy å prøvd seg. Må gruble litt på den. :-)
